Based on evidence so far Rohee not implicated – Linden CoI Chairman

With controversy swirling around, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, and his alleged connection with the deaths of Allen Lewis, Ron Somerset, and Shemroy Bouyea on July 18, one of the commissioners of inquiry indicated that no evidence have been provided to implicate the minister in the shooting.

Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee

This statement was made by former Jamaican Chief Justice and commission chairman, Lensley Wolfe on Wednesday after he was asked by Attorney Nigel Hughes whether the minister had been summoned to appear in court. However, the commissioner stated that the matter has not yet been decided.
Attorney Basil Williams had also enquired from the commission about the issue. Hughes had alleged that the minister had contact with the then E and F Division Commander, Clifton Hicken before the shooting, a charge Hicken denied. Phone records tendered later revealed that the two men had contact only after the shooting had occurred.
Acting Police Commissioner Leroy Brumell, who was the first witness called at the inquiry, had also denied have knowledge of the minister contacting Hicken on July 18. The combined opposition has called for Rohee to step down from his post, and take responsibility for the supposed actions of the police.

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